Sliding New - January.23! v_era

Sliding New - January.23!

Πέμπτη, 02 Φεβρουαρίου 2023 17:34
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Ακούστε μερικές από τις Sliding επιλογές τραγουδιών που κυκλοφόρησαν μέσα στον Ιανουάριο του 2023.
Check out some really good tunes that January 2023, brought us.
1. The Murder Capital - Return My Head (Gigi’s Recovery, Upcoming:20/1/23)

2. The National - Tropic Morning News (First Two Pages of Frankenstein, Upcoming: 28/4/23)

3. Motorama - Another Chance (single, Released: 18/1/23)

4. JOHN - Hopper On The Dial (Theme New Bond Junior Single B’ side, Upcoming: 2/23)

5. Sleaford Mods - UK GRIM (UK GRIM, Upcoming: 10/3/23)

6. Constant Smiles - In My Heart (Kenneth Anger, Upcoming: 3/3/23)

7. Nighttime - The Way (Keeper is the Heart, Released: 20/1/2023)

8. Crystal Cities - I Should Have Known That This Was War (single, Released: 26/1/2023)

9. Fever Ray - Kandy (single, Released: 25/1/2023)

10. dEUS - 1989 (How To Replace It, Upcoming: 2023)

11. The Boo Radleys - Seeker (Eight, Released: 2023)

12. Steve Mason - The People Say (Brothers & Sisters, Upcoming: 3/3/2023)

13. Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds - Easy Now (Council Skies, Upcoming: 2/6/2023)

14. Princess Chelsea - Time (Everything Is Going To Be Alright., Released: 7/10/2022)

15. Mudhoney - Almost Everything (Plastic Eternity, Upcoming: 7/4/2023)

16. The Tubs - Wretched Lie (Dead Meat, Released: 27/1/23)

17. Hugh Cornwell - Too Much Trash (Moments of Madness, Released: 21/10/2022)

18. M83 - Oceans Niagara (Fantasy, Upcoming: 17/3/2023)

19. U.S. Girls - Futures Bet (Bless This Mess, Upcoming: 24/2/2023)

20. John Cale - Noise Of You (Mercy, Released: 20/1/23)
21. Miss Grit - Lain (phone clone) (Follow the Cyborg, Upcoming: 24/2/2023)

22. Algiers - I Can't Stand It! (ft. Samuel T. Herring & Jae Matthews) (Shook, Upcoming: 24/2/2023)

23. Riverside - “Friend or Foe? (ID.Entity, Released: 20/1/2023)

Aκούστε τη λίστα στο Spotify.
Photo: v_era

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